You found me! I’m excited because the internet is a big place and when we find something we like (just assuming here), it’s worth celebrating! Let me introduce myself. My name is Theresa and I’m a writer, hiker, photographer, horseback rider, dog lover and enthusiastic procrastinator.
What started out as a place to chronicle my journey to published book (oh the audacity!) became so much more. The name started as a reference to my personality and the fact that I’m often found in cowgirl boots. All these years later, the name still fits, but sometimes the boots are of a broader variety. Sometimes cowgirl, sometimes sparkly, sometimes hiking, but boots just the same.
When I was a wee little baby of 22, I worked on a guest ranch in the Sonoran desert. I met some amazing people, reconnected with my love for horses and grew up a little. I was also inspired to write a story based on my experience there. I started writing that book in 2015. The funny thing about doing anything you’ve never done before, is you’re typically not very good at it when you first start out. That book remains near to my heart, but not for publication.
Since that time I’ve grown so much in my writing and in my personal life. I got divorced, started dating, moved cities, and tried stand up comedy. In dating, the jokes write themselves.
Along the way I’ve had my work published and kept writing wherever I find inspiration. Sometimes at the barn, the end of a dog leash or in other people.
I had a short story published in the anthology, Awake in the World V3 April of 2023. I’ve also been published in Northwest Horse Source, Equus magazine, and The Plaid Horse Magazine. I do freelance content writing and am happy to license my photos. Whatever your writing or photography interests, please get in touch.
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Happy trails!