Just Do What You Love

Just Do What You Love







Don’t forget that there is no prize for saving all of your time off, for accruing a bulging savings account, for mowing the lawn exactly once a week and always having the edges neat.

We left town this past weekend to celebrate our anniversary. We try to travel rather than buy stuff. We escaped to central Oregon, riding bikes under the shade of ponderosa and lodgepole pines. My husband pointing out the difference. The first night we rode up to the horse pasture I told my bike to whoa. We tore off grass from our side of the fence and fed thankful velvet noses. As the sun was sinking low in the sky, the light changing to orange, I spotted a coyote in the field with the horses. They were unbothered by his presence as he hunted for varmints. We yipped and howled at him. In response, he threw his head back and gave us a yip. He gave us three little calls back. We continued on, the wind picking up and pushing through the trees like ocean winds filling a sail, hissing as it goes.

Green Grass For A Fat Draft Horse


I didn’t think about being a better rider, or a better writer, or the work left half-done on my desk. I just thought about my balance on the bike, a sensation I haven’t felt in over 20 years. I watched the Deschutes river wind its own path alongside our paved bike path. We stopped and watched willows shaking in the breeze, making little noises as their branches knocked into one another.

Bike Along Deschutes River

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Perhaps you have similar thoughts about riding, or photography, or the degree you’re working toward. I can’t tell you what it means, why it’s important. But it is important. I try not to think about those big questions. They are like cliffs you can spend a lifetime yelling off of and never hear an answer back.

Pacific Crest Trail Sign Santiam Pass

Just do what you love.









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