Ode to The Horse Widower

Horse Husband Horse Widower

[social_warfare]You’ve heard of the horse whisperer, but have you heard of a “horse widower?” Urban Dictionary defines it as horse owners, usually women, who give their horses the best of everything and inevitably neglect their spouses. Ha ha, sounds about right.

The below poem was my very first blog post ever, but I thought sharing it before Valentine’s Day seemed fitting. You can send it to your sweetie and tell him even though you didn’t write it, it was written with him in mind. I hope you enjoy it and have a happy Valentine’s Day!

An Ode To The Horse Widower

If he wanted a cleaner house

A wife without hay in her hair and bra

If he didn’t want his truck used for moving hay

If he wouldn’t help move 1000’s of pounds of hay for me every few months

If he wanted a wife with a hot meal on the dinner table at 6pm and not at the barn until twilight

If these were the desires of my husband’s heart

He wouldn’t be with me.

Because my house is rarely clean.

You can always find hay in my hair, bra and other places

Sometimes it’s even sprinkled throughout our house

He got his truck so we could move hay

And someday haul horses

Moving hay is never fun, but he smiles his wry smile, gives me a wink and pretends to hate me for it

Thank God for crock pots and a husband who supports my independent nature

Supports his wife who regularly spends hours at the barn instead of at home

The desires of my husband’s heart are a happy and passionate wife

God bless my husband.


Horse Husband Horse Widower
This photo captures our relationship perfectly: me, hands-on-hips, ready to get something done, and my adoring husband kicked back ready to relax with our dogs. Photo courtesy of Mike McCracken

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Ode To The Horse Widower Poem

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